Posts Tagged ‘power addiction’


  • ·         Dedicated entirely to strivings in powerThe Kiss
  • ·         Lack of remorse
  • ·         Inability to take responsibility for their actions
  • ·         Obsessive tendency to be in control
  • ·         Severely limited capability to empathise with others
  • ·         Limited creative capacity
  • ·         Self-centredness
  • ·         Abrupt  and harsh temper
  • ·         Violent/ homicidal
  • ·         High expectations from others
  • ·         Ruthless cunning used to cultivate power
  • ·         Vagueness
  • ·         Confident
  • ·         Street savvy
  • ·         Corruptive

OCCD is a mental or neurobehavioral disorder marked by a combination of anti-social traits, narcissism, and an obsessive addiction for power and control. Unlike other disorders, OCCD patients display exceptionally high levels of denial and will go to any lengths to avoid being regarded as an addict or the like. The public merit for this diagnosis, or rather the drastic lack thereof, further reinforces in the individual an elevated sense of self-delusion where they thrive in the glory of their manifested illusionary fantasies. The most unusual aspect about OCCD is this peculiar lack of research and attention it gets from healthcare systems around the world. This is knowing that more than generally, OCCD sufferers are collectively responsible for the unrelenting merciless carnage of an indefinable number of people (directly or indirectly) and for the deliberate irreversible exploitation of the Earth’s recourses and wildlife. This goes without saying that OCCD individuals tend to use their cunning to win prime rankings in society, thus enabling them to nurture their unwholesome appetite for power and control. They’re then offered the opportunity insofar as, nurturing the current unsustainable consumerist system that remains fundamentally primitive and short-sighted at its inception.

They normally appear smarmy, boasting a sort of learnt aesthetic malice where they are commonly described as being godly manipulators with superlative powers of deception.  As they are essentially hypocritical and deceitful, they consistently influence and challenge the perceptions held of them by others if needed to remain in a position of power. Distraction, reward and swift punishment are normally the first-hand devices employed for the managing of subjects, where their pre-suggestive persuasion techniques and thought control tactics have failed. The latter is flippantly called brainwashing and is still largely understood by the masses. They confuse perpetual persuasion as normality, some are able to win control of the Media to desensitise others over time from the eternal rise of imposed restrictions on their liberties and civil rights.. for their own selfish gain of course. OCCD patients tend to cluster together which enables them to exert greater influence upon their victims using the intimidating facade that comes from being in a group. They cleverly use their structured network of like-minded sufferers to justify their actions – much like a cult – therefore fastening their convictions and mistaking their illness for superiority.

Sufferers typically have a severely impaired ability to empathise with others, showing little or no regard for the evident damage of their frivilous undertakings – even when presented with evidential facts. A precondition of people with this addiction is that they are highly distrustful due to their foul, detached and purposeful human interactions, believing that others are merely pawns to be engaged with for their own selfish gain. They are also fundamentally secretive which makes it exceedingly difficult to obtain data about their personal lives, whereabouts and motives. While in turn, others are habitually expected to deliver as much personal information about themselves and their networks as they can get for misrepresented tracking purposes. Most attempts to learn about their motivations will be met with hostility and the subject will be dealt with accordingly. An elusive unconscious delusion smothers their judgment as obvious as a choking smog of carbon emissions; inhibiting their ability to think outside their paradigm for the purpose of future outlook and sustainable planning. Commonly enough they appear remorseless, aloof and ignorant of the dire repercussions that arise from their impositions time after time, after time and time again.

Sufferers are normally victims of their parent’s own intensively strict regimes which then runs down the generations… just a social status game. They often do this by subjecting their children to stern rules, severe punishments, endless tasks and extra-curricular activities, also displaying a perverted observation of behaviour for hints of dissonance where they control their social networks and track their whereabouts. Normally their complete control philosophy is the only antidote for the often extreme submission they felt as youth. Using complete control as a defence mechanism. Being unable to develop emotionally leaves the person with an inner-void where they lack the ability to identify with the self causing them to live solely for purpose with hardly any capability to comprehend the empathetic and creative side of human nature.

Our continent may be run by megalomaniac madmen addicted to power which is linked to control entailing a more developed and apparent illusion of freedom. Some say we all have set levels of freedom based on our past experiences of it… and we aspire to maintain those levels, whether they have loose or tight frontiers. Meaning nobody with power will ever search to revoke it. What you end up with is the construct of blind certainty, a closed mindedness that is so intact that the willing prisoners don’t even know they’re locked up. Just like any other addict.


The war on drugs is based on the myth that if you intervene with the produce and distribution of illegal narcotics, this will solve the issue. However, it is proven that not any substance in itself is addictive. Addiction has and always will remain in the susceptibility of the individual. We all know that not everyone will be addicted to cigarettes after smoking, not everyone becomes an alcoholic after a glass of wine nor will everyone become addicted to cocaine after using it. Their battle to ‘protect us’ from the harmful effects of illegal drugs now appears to me, to be more of a distraction from the very real issues that we are seeing in society right now.

The dictionary defines a drug as being “a chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind or body” which is obviously any chemical substance. Whereas addiction is defined as being “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity”, which now broadens the picture a whole lot further. Therefore I’d find addiction as being ANY behaviour that is associated with cravings, temporary relief, long term negative consequences and the inability to gain control over it even if they wish to stop. So why then is somebody with a food addiction, for example, who is in the same state of mind, be regarded less harshly than someone who is addicted to anything else? It is obvious that it is not the state of being addicted that society frowns upon; you just have to be addicted to something that society deems as being acceptable. And this is not acceptable.

There are workaholics, people addicted to video games, coffee, exercise and food just to name a few. How many people do you know who are addicted to any one of these? So what’s the difference? Well one has been made to be illegal and nobody questions the real reasons why, whereas, the latter is endorsed and coincides with a sense of normalcy in society – despite the negative repercussions that they can have on us.

So what if I said there was an addiction to power? Those people who have power but need more and more and more, nothing is ever enough for them. What about the addiction to acquisition, where corporations must own more and more? Or indeed the global addiction to oil and the wealth, products and services that are made accessible from oil? Look at the dire effects that it is having on our environment. We all know that we’re destroying the very Earth that we inhabit, yet we need more just to feed our addiction.

Now these addictions are far more devastating than the social consequences of cocaine or heroin users, yet they’re rewarded and considered to be respectable. Tobacco smoke related illnesses kills five and a half million people every year, yet the highest grossing tobacco companies will receive the highest profit, will not face any legal consequences and are in fact seen as equally respectable across the board of other companies. Their addiction to profit is so great, that they are actually in denial about the impact that their activities have on us – which is typical for addicts.

It is disrespectable to be addicted to profit even if you disregard the costs. So it appears that what is acceptable and what is respectable is a highly subjective phenomenon in our societies. It seems that the greater the harm, the more respectable the addiction.

I believe that we are all addicted to something, whether it be beneficial or harmful, yet it is in our nature to satisfy our urges whatever they are – just some a more apparent, taboo and debilitating to ourselves and others. We should think twice about addiction because we have all been touched by it in one way or another. Just pay attention to what your habits are having on you and the ones around you, whatever it is, but you should still have the freedom in your life of choice. At the end of the day, we are still living in a world of heavy penalties for petty drug crimes; even though the ‘man in the suit’ is really to blame for assisting in the rapid decline of our planet and each other from wars and wealth. They’ve just built a society that has some damn good scapegoats that’s all…

“Power is an emptiness that gets filled from the outside, so let us not look to those in power to change things because those in power are the emptiest in the world… they’re never going to change unless we make them.”